44 results found for fishermen. Viewing page 1 of 5
– Buy fresh shellfish straight from the quayside, or get it delivered to your door! – #SourceLocal #EatLocal #SupportLocal As a result of COVID-19 the UK’s fishermen and seafood industry are facing enormous challenges, with many local fishers no longer able to supply their catch to overseas markets or UK restaurants. However YOU can […]
A message from SEA partner the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation (SCFF) in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic and repercussions of this to small-scale fishermen. “Can ALL Scottish Fishermen, especially those who rely on the live market, please email their MSP’s and MP’s asap and inform them of their predicament regarding the loss of market […]
In the first workshop of its kind in Europe, creel fishermen and women from around Scotland gathered in the Highlands to tackle the problem of marine animal entanglement. Organised by the Scottish Entanglement Alliance (SEA) and funded by the University Innovation Fund through Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), 20 creel fishermen and women from the Clyde […]
A brilliant article about the work of our colleagues in Canada, working to save the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. There is a lot we can learn from other nations also working to prevent marine animal entanglements: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-48998569 Entanglement in fishing lines and nets is a growing concern globally and is considered by many […]
Scottish inshore creel fishermen are invited to attend a fully-funded training and knowledge exchange workshop in responding to and preventing large marine animal entanglement in active fishing gear. Entanglement is a global problem that poses a threat to fishers and marine animals wherever the two overlap. Whales, dolphins, sharks and turtles all inhabit Scotland’s inshore […]
Written by Ellie MacLennan, SEA project co-ordinator. Last week myself and five creel fishermen from Scotland were invited to attend ‘Hauling up Solutions’, a two-day cetacean bycatch and entanglement workshop hosted by Cefas and Defra at the Zoological Society of London. Seven net fishermen from Cornwall, as well as a host of scientists and researchers, government […]